Welcome to Moana's sanctuary
My passion is Ayurveda and I help people find balance in their lives through diet, lifestyle, herbs, relaxing treatments and detoxing. The magic of Ayurveda is that it teaches us to live in accordance with natures cycle. It is also the practice of developing a deep sense of awareness of who you are in relation to the world around you. Ayurveda offers a path of disease prevention for the healthy, and a path for intervention if disease is present.

I begun studying and using Ayurveda as a way of living ten years ago. My first formal studies and experience were in Sri Lanka in 2013 with Dr. Kumara. I received Panchakarma therapy and at the same time I was aloud to help with the preparations. In 2014 I completed online studies through the school of Ayurveda and Panchakarma in Kerala, India for one year, finishing with a 3 month practical at the same school. In 2016 I completed a 3 month internship in Kerala with Dr. Raveendranath at the Poonthottam Ayurvedasram hospital. In 2019 I enrolled for further studies in advanced Ayurveda with Equals in Australia, for 2 years.

I am a very happy, strong and open minded person. I feel very fortunate to work in what I love. I always give 100% which reflects on my work ethics. I am a mother of two beautiful sons, being a mother was the most challenging and rewarding time in my life. I am born and trained as an interior decorator in Germany and until now I am still passionate about my craft. I am based in Gisborne where I have my home and clinic.

I offer consultions, lifestyle advice and ayurvedic treatments and therapies from here. I also offer ongoing education in Ayurveda. I have hosted a number retreats together with other teaches and I am excited to further develop retreats as part of my offering. It must be emphasised that Ayurveda is not a substitute for western allopathic medicine.
Get in touch.
027 292 8864